Color Kitchen and Cabinet The Hague
A French expat couple wants to remodel their double upstairs apartment: a better layout, a more spacious kitchen and a nice workplace with plenty of cabinet space. What becomes clear during the design process, is they have a thing for colour, a lot of colour! It gradually becomes the guideline for many choices.
We quickly agree on a new layout: the kitchen will be moved to the conservatory in the rear living area, the old kitchen will become a guest/work/play/quiet place and by closing the access to the side cabinet, space is made for a wall-filling cabinet.
There are really only two requirements for the cabinet: 1. maximum amount of storage space and 2. an existing Habitat sideboard from the '90s may (must!) be included.
Together we search endlessly for the perfect materials and colours.
Great to see how the transformation has been realized step by step. The contractor who does demolition and repair work, his son who carpenters the kitchen and the furniture maker who produces the wall cabinet. The couple happier with every step.